The Invoices module where you can come to view all your invoices in one place. It is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use table with all invoicing information. See all your outstanding invoices in one place and resend links as needed to encourage payments.
- Use search at the top of the page to filter results.
- Actions = view details, resend, or cancel the invoice.
- Invoice Number = a unique, system-generated identifier assigned to each invoice.
- Date = the date the invoices was created.
- Customer = the customer name as it appears in the Customers database with a hyperlink that takes you to the customer record.
- Project Name = the unique name given to the project with a hyperlink that takes you to those project details.
- Status = paid, unpaid, past due, or cancelled.
- Amount = the total invoice amount not including any applied payments.
If your list of projects exceeds one page, pagination at the bottom of the page allows you to quickly navigate to data on other pages. Use the dropdown menu in the lower right corner to adjust the number of items per page.
Use the Instant Invoice action in the upper right corner to quickly send invoices for payment without creating projects.
Use the Export Invoices action to export a raw data file that contains the invoice number, invoice date, and amount fields. There is little formatting on the file, which is intentional as it gives users more options for how to use the data.