Start building your estimate
- Go to Projects in the left sidebar (desktop) or hamburger menu (mobile).
- Click the Create Estimate action in the upper right corner.
- Estimate Name (required) = give your project a unique name
- Select Customer (required) = create a new customer or select from a list of existing customers
- Start Date (optional) = select the date in the future when the project will begin
- Project Address = the address already associated with the customer selected above will automatically populate. If the location of the job is different than the billing address, check the box next to Address is different than customer address to clear the fields and enter the correct location. Entering the zip code will automatically populate a city and state.
Note: Using a different project location will not change the main address on the customer record. - Click +Add Items to begin building your project. If you already have items saved in your library, choose Select From Library. Select as many items as you need for your project and click the blue button to add. If the item(s) were not previously created in the Item Library, click Create New Item and complete the form.
Review the list of items and total dollar amount you continue making sure to add start dates and adjust quantities as necessary. Click Next Step to proceed to page 2 or click Save as Draft to save and come back later.
- Down Payment = If you select Yes to require a down payment, use the fields to specify a percentage or dollar amount. When you specify one, the other automatically populates. The down payment requirement, dollar amount, and percentage are confirmed in the email to your customer.
- Message to Customer = if there is anything specific you would like to add, wording entered in this field will be inserted in the body of the email template, but it does not appear on the estimate.
- Emails = the customer's email address populates automatically. Click +Add Email and enter an email address for each additional recipient.
Click Create to finalize and send to your customer or click Save as Draft to save and send later. Access drafts and sent estimates under Project Estimates in the upper navigation bar.