Our product team is incredibly efficient, working at lightning speed to enhance your experience. Here are just a few big features we are excited to be releasing soon. Come back often see what we are working on and check the What's New link on the home page for feature releases.
iOS App
Our mobile app was released in the Google Play Store (for Android) in March. Now we are working hard on releasing it to the Apple App Store (for iOS)!
Discounts on Invoices
If you offer discounts, you will be able to include them on invoices. The discount will appear as a line item and automatically adjust the amount due.
Image / Document Upload
When you send invoices to customers, you will be able to upload a pdf document to include extra information such as a customer contract or your terms and conditions.
Recurring Project Estimates
When sending estimates to customers for approval, you will be able to include recurring project details such as dates, schedules, and the payment collection method.
Add Line Items Update
A new flow will reduce the number of clicks when adding line items to a project.
Conversation History
We will be adding a Communication module later this year where you will be able to see customer conversation history for messages sent from within the software.
Minor Enhancements
We test functionality regularly and value all feedback shared by customers, partners, and team members. Every release includes improvements to existing features aimed at making lives easier for our end users.