It is imperative that you understand and adhere to all federal and state laws and all card brand surcharging rules before turning it on. Keep in mind that surcharging rules vary by state.
- General Surcharging Information
- Visa - Rules for Merchants
- Mastercard - Rules for Merchants
- Research your state's specific rules to ensure compliance
- Learn more here or on our blog
Submit a Request
Surcharging is only available by request. If you want to pass credit card fees to your customers, submit a request to have our support team add the surcharging feature to your account. Once added, you can turn it on and off in Settings.
Surcharging On/Off
- When set to On, surcharging will apply to all eligible payments.
- Percent = the percentage rate you intend to apply to all eligible credit card payments.
The amount of the surcharge can be no more than the cost of acceptance and no more than 3%, whichever is lower. State and/or local laws supersede card brand rules.