Whenever a customer disputes a charge to their card, you can decide whether you want to accept liability or respond to present compelling evidence that proves the charge is valid.
Each dispute will have a Response Due Date. Whether you accept the chargeback or submit a rebuttal, it is important to respond before the due date passes to ensure your response is accepted by the credit card company. If a response is not received by the due date, the dispute will automatically be awarded to the cardholder.
How to Accept Liability
If you choose to accept liability, this means you voluntarily concede to the dispute. The issuing bank will immediately reverse the charge to return funds to the cardholder, and your bank account will be debited.
- Go to Payments section in the left sidebar.
- Click Disputes to see your list of chargebacks.
- Click on the specific dispute to view details.
- Click the Accept Liability button.
- You will see a screen that confirms the dispute will be closed in the favor of the cardholder and the dollar amount.
- Click Confirm to submit your response.
Gather Supporting Documentation
If you are submitting a response to challenge a dispute, all supporting documentation must be submitted at once. You cannot go back to add or edit information. You must have strong, solid evidence that supports your case. Recommended documents include but are not limited to:
- Signed credit card receipts
- Completed credit card authorization form
- Customer invoices
- Signed proof of delivery
- Transaction receipt showing address verification
- Screenshots of merchant's terms of service and policies (return, refund, cancellation)
- Correspondences with the customer such as emails, letters, approved bids, and phone logs. If phone transcripts are not available, your summary of each call can still be useful.
- Summary of the incident from your point of view
Save all documents in PDF files to upload when you submit a response. Each file must be less than 2 MB and all documents may not exceed 10 MB total.
How to Submit a Response
Responding to a dispute allows you to state your case and argue it's validity. You can include a brief message and attach PDF files.
- Go to Payments section in the left sidebar.
- Click Disputes to see your list of chargebacks.
- Click on the specific dispute to view details.
- Click the Respond button.
- Enter a contact name (may not exceed 25 characters).
- Enter a note.
- Attach documents.
- Once you submit you cannot come back to add documentation. If you are ready, click Submit Response. If you cannot complete the process at this time, click Save for Later.
Note: You may not be able to respond to all chargeback scenarios in the portal. If that is the case, you will receive an email with instructions about how to contact the credit card company directly.