Here is a look back at what we released in 2023. If you are looking for the latest list of enhancements, check out What's New!
QuickBooks integration
Released November 2023
Eliminate those tiresome manual entries and sync transactions, customers, invoices, and payments from your Project 2 Payment account in minutes! In addition to saving you precious time, the integration eliminates the chance of human error to keep your business running smoothly.
Once you connect your QuickBooks account, all you have to do is hit the Sync button in Settings anytime you want to send data over!
Released November 2023
Project 2 Payment now supports surcharging, which allows you to add a percentage based fee to all credit card transactions to offset some of your processing costs and expenses. The feature is included in your subscription at no additional cost, but you will need to email and request to have it enabled in your portal. Once you see the option in your Settings, you decide if and when you want to turn it on. You can also quickly disable it if you change your mind later.
Surcharging is complicated and it is extremely important to do your research. The card brands have very strict guidelines, but any state and/or local laws around surcharging supersede card brand rules. Click here to learn more and don't forget to follow our blog.
QR Codes
Released November 2023
Taking payments in person is even easier! Simply pull up the invoice, click the Show QR button. and present your screen.
Need to take a quick payment in person without generating a quote, project, or invoice? Simply head to the Take Payment tab and hit the Quick QR button. Type in an amount, generate, and show so your customer can scan to pay.
For customers that prefer paper, the code also appears on printed invoices so customers can still quickly scan and pay on a mobile device without heading back to the computer.
Invoice terms and payment reminders
Released November 2023
Set invoice terms in your business settings that automatically assign due dates on all invoices. Then, turn on reminders that email your customer one week and 3 days prior to the invoice due date. Another email is also sent on the due date. Past due invoice reminders can also be enabled so you don't have to spend your time chasing payments.
Redesigned workflow for estimates and projects
Released November 2023
The steps are still the same for creating new estimates and new projects, but now you don't have to keep scrolling through one long page. We split it into two screens. This created a new flow that is much cleaner and less overwhelming. It was a huge enhancement for those who use Project 2 Payment on a mobile device.
Promote customer feedback
Released November 2023
Add a Write a Review button to receipts that will direct your customer to your existing business review website to post a review! Online reviews help to build trust and credibility. When customers are happy with your work, they want to help your business grow by sharing their experience with others. These recommendations are the first thing potential customers look for when doing their research.
Pre-project reminders
Released November 2023
Reduce scheduling issues and missed service calls by sending your customers reminders before and the day of a project. The alerts help to confirm appointment details so there is no confusion as to when the work will be done and it gives customers a way to quick reach out if they need to reschedule.
Business Reporting
Released September 2023
We added a lightweight reporting dashboard so you can visualize your total sales volume, average ticket size, and total number of payments. Date selection and payment method filters make it possible to drill down to the data you need. Once the desired parameters are set, you can export a csv spreadsheet to use in other system or export a pdf to save the graph.
Increased customization on payment pages and emails
Released September 2023
In addition to customizing customer-facing communications with your logo, now you can go one step further and change the two default accent colors. The eyedropper tool makes picking the perfect colors easy and it eliminates the need for color codes to match your brand colors. This quick change will give all your estimates, invoices, payment forms, and emails and polished, branded look.
Project request page
Released May 2023
Create customizable form to put on your website that allow your customers to submit requests for quotes and projects online!
Add a custom title for the page, identify items from your library that should appear as options to choose from, and determine whether to hide or show the item price and quantities. You can also customize the confirmation page that appears on screen and the verbiage on the request received email!
You are notified by email as soon as a request is submitted. All information provided online can be automatically converted into new Customer contacts and pending projects.
Create custom payment pages populated with specific parameters
Released May 2023
Append your payment page link to create a custom payment link for one customer or a specific group of customers that pre-populates data in certain fields like amount, tax, notes, or invoice number.
Slide open script for websites
Released May 2023
Add a script that turns any payment link (payment page or project request form) on your website into a slide open experience.
Additional information on down payments, including a new icon for easy identification
Released May 2023
A new down payment icon makes them easier to identify in list views and payment details. There are also tool tips to help you track unpaid down payments easier.
Default custom messages for emails
Released May 2023
Create one custom message in Settings that will populate on all invoices and estimates. Tweak before you send, if necessary, instead of re-typing the same full message every time.
Bookmark your preferred login screen
Released April 2023
Customize your login destination with a unique URL! The default login page is the Projects tab but, if that is not where you spend the bulk of your time, you can set your 'Start Page' to go directly to Customers, Take Payments, or Invoices when you first log in.
Invoice reminders
Released April 2023
Don't set aside precious time to reach out to customers asking them to pay their unpaid invoices. Turn on Invoice Reminders and head to Settings to customize the quantity and frequency of emails to your customers.
Saved payment methods on payment pages
Released April 2023
You will no longer hear, "I can't find my card, I'll pay later." When a saved customer receives a payment link for a down payment or invoice, they now have the ability to use their saved payment method to pay their bill. Just the click of a button and you’re paid!
Quick Pay in Customers
Released March 2023
The new Quick Pay button in the Customers module uses the same simple Take Payment form you love and saves precious time by populating all your customer's saved information.
Additional fields for payment pages
Released March 2023
There are two new optional fields on our Payment Page so you can customize the information you gather from your customers.
Add the new Invoice Number field to your form and specify whether the number is optional or required to submit payment.
Add the new Notes field so customers can include comments or convey important information about their payment. If there is information you require to properly allocate payments and there isn't a field for it, you can mark the fields as required and direct customers to enter the information in the Notes field when making their payment.
Instant Invoices
Released January 2023
The Instant Invoice button is the perfect solution for times when the job is so simple or the work is already done and there is no need for building out a project and sending an estimate. You just need a way to collect payment. Simply select a customer, add your items, and click to send to customer.
You can find this powerful button in two key locations: Customers and Invoices. Once generated, monitor the invoice status from the Invoices tile in the left navigation bar or on the Invoices tab of a specific customer's profile. Action buttons let you quickly view, resend or cancel the invoice anytime.
Payment page links
Released January 2023
With the flip of a toggle, you can generate a Payment Page URL that allows your customers to pay on demand.
Enable the page in your Settings. Then simply add your unique URL to your website or in the body of emails so your customers can send a payment whenever it is most convenient for them!
Invoices Module
Released January 2023
The Invoices tile in the left sidebar organizes and manages all your invoices in one place. This module is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use table with all invoicing information. See outstanding invoices in one place so you can quickly resend links to encourage payments. Use the Instant Invoice link in the upper right corner to quickly send invoices for payment without creating projects.